Monday, 26 October 2015

Register/Deregister EC2 Servers under ELB using AWS .NET Toolkit

I have been working with AWS toolkit for some time in last week. I prepared some tools to automate our infra team tasks and for our internal development and testing purpose.

Here I will show you how to register/de-register EC2 instances with Elastic Load Balancer programmatically using AWS .NET toolkit.

First get your awsSecretAccessKey and awsAccessKey,

 string awsSecretAccessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["awsSecretAccessKey"];
 string awsAccessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["awsAccessKey"];

Note: The user account you use here for Secret Key and Access Key must have full access to EC2 service of AWS

Create EC2 Client,

 var client = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonElasticLoadBalancingClient(awsAccessKey, awsSecretAccessKey, RegionEndpoint.USWest2);

Make sure you specify correct RegionEndPoint where your EC2 instances exist. Here I have used USWest2 region end point.